
Posts Tagged ‘Robin Williams’

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck star in and co-wrote this oscar-nominated and original screen play about a clever young man called William Hunting who works in one of America’s top Universities and is a gifted mathematician – the only difference between him and the other students is that he is merely the cleaner and not only does he not recognise an opportunity when one is handed to him on a plate, he cannot cope emotionally and is a terrible let down for the proud professor who wants to bring his protege to the forefront of mathmatics.  Robin Williams plays the Psychologist in a tailor-made role winning him an oscar.  Worth viewing as first Matt is very young in this and his acting is rather mature and secondly because he co-wrote it and so he must understand a lot more than I gave him credit for!  Rather cheesy American Shmaltz at times but Minnie Driver makes up for that.

Good Will Hunting IMDB


Good Will Hunting Movie Film Review

Rating: 7.6/10

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