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The notebook story of an elderly lady’s life is being read to her, by her elderly partner in the hope that she will remember  and conquer her dementia.  Dementia is un-reverseable.  The story of the notebook, Noah (Ryan Gosling) and Alley (Rachel Mcadams) fall in love over a summer, however he is a country boy, and she is a very rich city girl.

A sort of cliche inside a cliche story, done moderately well.  I was extremely keen on the inside story (the notebook), rather than the outside wrapper of Noah overcoming Alley’s old age.  This is in no way a spoiler, it is made quite clear in the first 30 minutes the two elderly’s are Noah and Alley, it does not try to patronise you with a surprise gotchya.

Ryan Gosling a country boy, who works on a lumber made you really feel for him; from asking her to a date to all of his downtimes.  His dream is to get the run down house nearby in sea brook, do it up, and then Alley can paint and drink tea on the porch.  Rachel McAdams was brilliant in fighting off her parents and was rather good at kissing….there is a lot of kissing!  I could not imagine Alley and Noah played by anyone else!

I would have probably enjoyed it more, without the wrapper story of Noah and Alley in their age, however there would be no use for a notebook.  It was slightly ambitious having two cliches, upper class loves lower class, and my love life forgetting our story.  I did eventually have feelings for the wrapper story but it was a little too late.  All of the cinematography was quite amazing, flapping birds in slow-motion and moon shining on the water.   Incomparable to the English Patient.
IMDB The Notebook

The notebook poster movie review

Rating 6.6/10

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Kevin Spacey (Lester Burnham) is in his mid life crisis.  His love relationship with his wife is dead, and his stroppy teenager daughter Jane Burnham (Thora Birch) hates him.  He Continues to embarrass her by gawping at her attractive friend, Angela Hayes (Mena Suvari).  His job status is insecure too.  After developing a infatuation about his daughter’s friend Angela, he decides he has had enough and turns his life around.  A new family moves in next door.  Their son, Ricky, develops a liking for Jane Burnham.   While his Dad (Chris Cooper from the Bourne Identity) a marine colonel is checking on his son.  Kevin Spacey begins to lose all care for anything when he decides he has nothing to lose, he no longer cares that his wife, Carolyn Burnham (Annette Bening) is out cheating, he does not care about keeping his job.

Its not all about Kevin Spacey the depressed loser.    Each character has their own intensions and relate to each other like a spider’s web, giving the story many layers and much depth.  The title makes you think chick flick, this film was not what I was expecting!  The story is slightly surreal.

American Beauty won 5 oscars! American Beauty Movie Awards.

IMDB American Beauty


American Beauty Movie review

Rating 8.4/10

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Mobsters set up gambling casinos in Los Vegas in the 1980’s so they could cream of the money.  Very closely based on truth, a 1983 newspaper headline story.  The Tangiers Hotel is one of these  greedy scams run by Robert De Niro (Sam ‘Ace’ Rothstein) for the mob.  The fab opening scene sees a car bomb go off and you know this is going to be a violent film from the start.  Mobster friend and ally Joe Pesci (Nicky Santoro) is a hitman who loses his temper easily and tries to make a killing on the casinos by cheating until he is banned from every casino.    Sam does not have a license for his casino, to avoid detection he changes his job title regularly and sooner or later the trail of felony leads to his door curtesy of Nicky.   Sharon Stone (Ginger McKenna plays the girlfriend who becomes Mrs Rothstein.   Robert De Niro wears incredible pink suits.  The film does not have tension running through it and the narrative is long and laboured and it could easily have been cut down to 2 hours from a whopping 3!.  However, Sharon Stone puts in a good performance as the girlfriend and their relationship is believable.

IMDB Casino


Casino Movie Review

Rating: 7.5/10

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