
Posts Tagged ‘Letters from Iwo Jima’

An unconventional perspective from the Japanese side with sub-titles in English.  Directed by Clint Eastwood, the Japanese hold out against the might of the American army on a small volcanic island called Iwo Jima. This island is all that stands between America and Japan  The Japanese are digging in ready for the American invasion, they face limited food, water and ammunition and worse. Ken Watanabe (you may recognize him from The last Samurai) stars in this and delivers his usual amazing performance as the Japanese General.  A 40 day epic battle ensues and the story focuses on Saigo a young recruit who has never seen action.  Prejudice, loyalty and a struggle for survival. Powerful, historically accurate and atmospheric with good sound track. Pulls at your heart strings.

IMDB link: Letters from Iwo Jima


Letters from Iwo Jima movie review

Rating 8.0/10

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