
Posts Tagged ‘Dark Knight’

This is undoubtably the best batman film.  As always there is a force of destructiveness and chaos upon Gotham city, this time, two villans are brought back.  Two face made an appearance as well as the Joker played by an incredible Heath Ledger who nearly stole the show from Christian Bale. He always had a funny quirky story to tell when he was talking to civilians.  Each time different but same ending!   The beginning is the classic bank robbery where you are introduced to Heath Ledger and his hench men.  The story is cliche and batman has to win the day.

Unfortunately Heath Ledger (Oscar for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role) did  pass away during the making of the film and replacement was used for the last bit of the film.  Christian Bale was almost a natural Batman.  At first a grumbly low quiet voice from a big bulky hench superhero was a bit funny, but Christian Bale was very serious and it suited the role perfectly. Michael Caine performed Alfred the butler again. I do like Michael Caine, but I found him weirdly annoying and was himself more than Alfred.

Good action movie.  More of a guy’s film though and I am so looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises!

IMDB The Dark Knight


The Dark Knight Movie

Rating: 7.9/10

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