
Posts Tagged ‘court’

Wife Joanna Kramer (Meryl Streep) is standing in the hall with her bags packed and ready to leave she says she has to “find herself”.   Ted Kramer (Dustin Hoffman) and Billy his 5 year old learn how to cope without her.  Have your tissues ready for this story that should have you crying and affect you emotionally for a long while afterward.  Set in an apartment in New York, Ted loses his wife and then his job – he’ll take anything even a cut in wages to keep from losing Billy when she decides that she loves her son and wants custody 18 months down the line.   One of the most poignant scenes I have ever seen is in the court room where they are expressing themselves in the witness box and facing each other in court for the first time – they  are both making valid points and they are just so believable.  This is acting at it’s finest and I think the little boy was absolutely brilliant in his role.  This film touches you there is no doubt about that.

IMDB kramer vs Kramer


Kramer vs Kramer movie review

Rating: 10/10

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A court room drama with a difference.  Were men just acting on orders or …..

Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson, Kevin Baconand Kiefer Sutherland in a star studded cast.  Nicholson is the Cornel in charge of the Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, he eats his breakfast 300 yards away from trained Cubans who want to blow his head off.  Cruise is the hot shot naval lawyer acting for the two soldiers accused of murder.  Demi Moore is in charge of Internal Affairs and puts herself forward to accompany Cruise to Guantanamo Bay.  Together they make a Team and go after the case, with the full intent of winning.  Kevin Bacon is the Prosecution acting for the Government and he warns Cruise that potentially his Defence could result in his own Court Marshall if he were to follow it through.

Intellectual film limited by the fact that it was played out in the court room after events had happened but having said that Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson are outstanding at pitting their wits against each other.  You swing from side to side – both cases are so reasonable – who is really culpable and all the clues are there for you?

IMDB A Few Good Men


A Few Good Men Movie Review

Rating 7.8/10

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