
Posts Tagged ‘Anna Friel’

Ever wondered what it was like to be a super-intelligent human and in a state of hyperawareness?  You can figure out what the title means.

A simple little pill does all of the above to Bradley Cooper who lives in disarray in his apartment writing his novel which never gets started.  One little bag of the stuff helps him pull his life together, he cleans up his act like Mary Poppins and achieves runaway business success!  However, all drugs have side effects and the demise of his secret success is just around every corner.  Anna Friel shows what the drug can do to your complexion and Robert De Niro appears over 2/3rds of the way through the film so don’t be hanging on the edge of your seat for him.  Bradley Cooper takes you on a journey through his drug addiction seeing patterns where there have never been before and using foresight that can dodge death or paying the rent to being a crippling addict waiting for his next fix.  To sum up; one edge of the seat moment, the one and only Bradley Cooper, and one witty one-liner at the end of the film which makes you want to punch the air, and then feel silly cos the rest of the film did not match that feeling at all hence the rating 6.5 due mostly to a weak story line.

IMDB Link: Limitless


Limitless movie review

Rating 6.8/10

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