
Archive for the ‘Sci fi’ Category

‘Alice in Wonderland’ meets ‘National Geographic’ this is a 3D sci-fi movie that is of another class produced and directed by James Cameron of Titanic fame. The hero, a young marine who has lost the use of his legs in combat is in homeostasis travelling towards Pandora a planet in another solar system.  He has been in stasis for 5 years and 9 months.  On arriving at the planet he learns that his twin brother, the eminent scientist, has been assassinated and that his own DNA is so close that he could be considered a replacement to the project  even though he has had none of the necessary lengthy training.  Sigourney Weaver is the Project Manager she reluctantly puts our young hero into the dream state that allows him to become an Avatar and roam the planet as an alien and become one of “them”.   This involves him linking into another being that has been artificially made to look and behave like the native aliens.  They are blue, his names is Jake Sulley.  He is able to walk and fly and be successful and free in his dream world.  He falls in love.  There is the matter of the army who enlist his help to gain access to the precious metals underneath the alien colony, they want him to win the respect of the colony and move everyone out.

This movie encapsulates the magic and imagination of another world.  I loved many many things about this movie, but I won’t spoil them for you.

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Avatar Movie Review

Rating: 8.4

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A Steven Spielburg science fiction set in the  year 2050 based on a short story.  The Pre-crime Department arrests murderers who have not yet committed their crime thereby reducing crime and saving lives.  This involves visions from the future determining the  next victim and the perpetrator by three gifted people called the “precogs” floating undisturbed in a pool which are then relayed to a perspex screen as flashing images.  The images can be interacted with by the use of a glove that can reach in, pin point,  zoom in, rotate and rewind to collect data ready for the Team to act on before the event actually takes place.  Tom Cruise is the head of the Pre-crime Unit and only he and a select few have the authority to get into the “precog” pool room.  But he is named as the next perpetrator and his Team turn on him, so he has to escape.

This is quite clever and thought provoking.  Apparently he does not know the victim?  Why would he kill someone he did not know and does he have a choice?

I enjoyed this story and the ingenuity of the future.  It was a pleasant ride and did not end up in the usual whacking it was much more inventive than that!  Some memorable scenes – anyone squeamish about eyes should look away!  Samantha MortonColin Farrell and Max von Sydow (Shutter Island) also star.

IMDB Minority Report


Minority Report Movie Review

Rating: 8.2/10

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The ability to plant an idea in somebody’s subconscious that will take seed and grow is Inception.  In order to do this DiCaprio puts his victims into a dream state and he can take his colleagues with him all sharing the same dream to get the job done.  We are taken into a dream within a dream within a dream – 3 levels of subconciousness where time is compounded so that in the 1st level, 5 minutes of our time becomes a week, 2nd level becomes 6 months and in the 3rd, its 10 years so you can get a lot of work done in very little time the deeper you go.  Bringing everyone back has to be properly co-ordinated or you could end up in the subconscious abyss (a whopping 50 years or more before returning to reality).   Awesome anti-gravity sequences, flashes of genius in terms of story telling and mind bending graphics together with a large cast of stunt people. I loved all of the cast but Leonardo Di Caprio needs special mention and so does Marion Cotillard.  I watched the first 30 mins twice because I didn’t get the opening sequence, am I the only one?  This affected the rating.
IMDB: Inception


Inception Movie review Movie Critic

Rating 8.9/10

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Apparently lives are mapped out and follow a set path. If you believe that you can change your path you are mistaken as great care is taken by the powers that be (The Adjustment Bureau) to make sure you follow your set path through life. Matt Damon is the politician winging his way to the top of his game and he meets the girl of his dreams in a public toilet (inspirational) where she imparts some political advice before disappearing.  He is captivated by her charm and pursues her for the rest of the film believing her to be his destiny.  This involves getting one over on the Adjustment Bureau, not as easy as you might think and not really a political thriller – more a romantic sci-fi.  The science fiction is good and believable.  Matt Damon makes a good politician and his co-star dancer Emily Blunt fulfills her role adequately making you care about the characters which wins you over.

IMDB Link The Adjustment Bureau


The Adjustment Bureau movie review

Rating 7.9/10

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Mystery psychological film that turns into a sci-fi – if you don’t believe me, watch it!

Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz and Jason Lee from “my name is Earl”. Gripping opening as Tom Cruise is a charismatic playboy who is dumb struck when Penelope Cruz comes into his life as his best friend’s date. She captivates all who watch her and is particularly lovely in this film, her bad English is also endearing in this film (not always a bonus in others).  Cameron Diaz plays the psychological nightmare and events unfold that change his life forever.  Tom Cruise hops from dream state to reality and it is left is up to you to sort out what’s real and what’s not so, in this respect it belongs to the psychological thriller/mystery genre.  As the film progresses you are less likely to sort out the mess.  Great background music tracks to enhance the film along with shots of Times Square and New York.

While the ending did not do the film justice, looking through that, the film is a enjoyable music and story. Ending could have been cleverer resulting in a 7.6 rating.
IMDB link Vanilla Sky


Vanilla sky movie review

Rating: 7.6/10

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