
Archive for the ‘Romance’ Category

The notebook story of an elderly lady’s life is being read to her, by her elderly partner in the hope that she will remember  and conquer her dementia.  Dementia is un-reverseable.  The story of the notebook, Noah (Ryan Gosling) and Alley (Rachel Mcadams) fall in love over a summer, however he is a country boy, and she is a very rich city girl.

A sort of cliche inside a cliche story, done moderately well.  I was extremely keen on the inside story (the notebook), rather than the outside wrapper of Noah overcoming Alley’s old age.  This is in no way a spoiler, it is made quite clear in the first 30 minutes the two elderly’s are Noah and Alley, it does not try to patronise you with a surprise gotchya.

Ryan Gosling a country boy, who works on a lumber made you really feel for him; from asking her to a date to all of his downtimes.  His dream is to get the run down house nearby in sea brook, do it up, and then Alley can paint and drink tea on the porch.  Rachel McAdams was brilliant in fighting off her parents and was rather good at kissing….there is a lot of kissing!  I could not imagine Alley and Noah played by anyone else!

I would have probably enjoyed it more, without the wrapper story of Noah and Alley in their age, however there would be no use for a notebook.  It was slightly ambitious having two cliches, upper class loves lower class, and my love life forgetting our story.  I did eventually have feelings for the wrapper story but it was a little too late.  All of the cinematography was quite amazing, flapping birds in slow-motion and moon shining on the water.   Incomparable to the English Patient.
IMDB The Notebook

The notebook poster movie review

Rating 6.6/10

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Gilbert Grape, (Johnny Depp) lives in Andora with his mum, his brother Arnie, (a young Leonardo DiCaprio) and two sisters.  Momma Grape is morbidly obese and she cannot leave her house.  Arnie is mentally challenged and the whole family have to look after Momma and make sure that her meals are ready and they collectively look after Arnie who is hopefully going to make his 18th birthday soon.  The story brings us into the bosom of the Grape family and lets us know how Gilbert is feeling in particular.  The interesting thing about this film is that you bond with the characters, Arnie becomes lovable, you feel sorry for Momma and you care about them all.  There is no over-acting and the pace is slow but careful and I just sat back and enjoyed every minute like a fly on the wall docu-soap.  Pure joy.

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape IMDB


What's Eating Gilbert Grape Movie Film Review

Rating 7.8/10

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Dustin Hoffman and Jessica Lange star in this funny film in which Dustin Hoffman (Michael Dorsey), an out of work actor, helps his friend audition for a part in an American Soap based in a hospital where Jessica Lange plays the part of a nurse.   The part is for a hot-headed middle aged woman who doesn’t take no for an answer.  He knows that he can play the part so when his female friend is unsuccessful, he auditions dressed as a woman and this is partly to prove a point to his agent who says he will not be able to land a role, any role, because he is simply too difficult to work with.  The film works because Dustin Hoffman makes quite an attractive woman, he seems to know just what to say and how to say it and he is quite loveable in his disguise.  But other men think so too and this proves to be a little bit of a problem especially as he is living a double life now with his girl-friend thinking he is gay and his heart belonging to Jessica Lange’s character who believes he is actually a she!  Lots of belly laughs out of his physical comedy and his banter with quick bullet-like quips that make him impossible to dislike, added with a pinch of melancholy.  Went slightly flat in the middle of the film but picked up pace in the finale.   All in all I thought is was a good evenings entertainment.  I have to say that Jessica Lange won best supporting actress in this film – if anyone can tell me why exactly I would be very grateful indeed – because anyone who can grin inanely while saying her lines deserves an Oscar right?

IMDB Tootsie


Tootsie Movie Film Review

Rating 6.8/10

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‘Alice in Wonderland’ meets ‘National Geographic’ this is a 3D sci-fi movie that is of another class produced and directed by James Cameron of Titanic fame. The hero, a young marine who has lost the use of his legs in combat is in homeostasis travelling towards Pandora a planet in another solar system.  He has been in stasis for 5 years and 9 months.  On arriving at the planet he learns that his twin brother, the eminent scientist, has been assassinated and that his own DNA is so close that he could be considered a replacement to the project  even though he has had none of the necessary lengthy training.  Sigourney Weaver is the Project Manager she reluctantly puts our young hero into the dream state that allows him to become an Avatar and roam the planet as an alien and become one of “them”.   This involves him linking into another being that has been artificially made to look and behave like the native aliens.  They are blue, his names is Jake Sulley.  He is able to walk and fly and be successful and free in his dream world.  He falls in love.  There is the matter of the army who enlist his help to gain access to the precious metals underneath the alien colony, they want him to win the respect of the colony and move everyone out.

This movie encapsulates the magic and imagination of another world.  I loved many many things about this movie, but I won’t spoil them for you.

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Avatar Movie Review

Rating: 8.4

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Apparently lives are mapped out and follow a set path. If you believe that you can change your path you are mistaken as great care is taken by the powers that be (The Adjustment Bureau) to make sure you follow your set path through life. Matt Damon is the politician winging his way to the top of his game and he meets the girl of his dreams in a public toilet (inspirational) where she imparts some political advice before disappearing.  He is captivated by her charm and pursues her for the rest of the film believing her to be his destiny.  This involves getting one over on the Adjustment Bureau, not as easy as you might think and not really a political thriller – more a romantic sci-fi.  The science fiction is good and believable.  Matt Damon makes a good politician and his co-star dancer Emily Blunt fulfills her role adequately making you care about the characters which wins you over.

IMDB Link The Adjustment Bureau


The Adjustment Bureau movie review

Rating 7.9/10

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