
Archive for the ‘Musical’ Category

A musical based on the story of Sweeney Todd who lives at No. 186 Fleet Street next door to Mrs Lovett’s Meat Pie Shop in Old London Town.  Johnny Depp (Sweeney Todd) lands up in London after being sent abroad on Her Majesty’s pleasure to find himself back in his old haunts where (Helena Bonham Carter) Mrs Lovett is busy making the “worst pies in London”.  So Sweeney Todd has a score to settle and his wife and daughter to locate.  Unfortunately he is little too quick to seek his revenge and kills a couple of people along the way but cunningly Mrs Lovett has a very good idea about how to get rid of the bodies.

The songs were not memorable as in the likes of Gilbert and Sullivan, but the verses told the story and became part of the script really.  Very gory and gruesome with dark scenes and I mean dark – you will reach for the remote and wonder why it is so dark but remember itis a Tim Burton film and this is to be expected!  Alan Rickman star and Timothy Spall.

IMDB Sweeney Todd


Rating: 7.3/10

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