
Archive for the ‘Feel good’ Category

Dustin Hoffman and Jessica Lange star in this funny film in which Dustin Hoffman (Michael Dorsey), an out of work actor, helps his friend audition for a part in an American Soap based in a hospital where Jessica Lange plays the part of a nurse.   The part is for a hot-headed middle aged woman who doesn’t take no for an answer.  He knows that he can play the part so when his female friend is unsuccessful, he auditions dressed as a woman and this is partly to prove a point to his agent who says he will not be able to land a role, any role, because he is simply too difficult to work with.  The film works because Dustin Hoffman makes quite an attractive woman, he seems to know just what to say and how to say it and he is quite loveable in his disguise.  But other men think so too and this proves to be a little bit of a problem especially as he is living a double life now with his girl-friend thinking he is gay and his heart belonging to Jessica Lange’s character who believes he is actually a she!  Lots of belly laughs out of his physical comedy and his banter with quick bullet-like quips that make him impossible to dislike, added with a pinch of melancholy.  Went slightly flat in the middle of the film but picked up pace in the finale.   All in all I thought is was a good evenings entertainment.  I have to say that Jessica Lange won best supporting actress in this film – if anyone can tell me why exactly I would be very grateful indeed – because anyone who can grin inanely while saying her lines deserves an Oscar right?

IMDB Tootsie


Tootsie Movie Film Review

Rating 6.8/10

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Entertaining with comedy and fun. A pure feel good movie. Definitely a family film.

Legendary tv host Harrison Ford is asked back from retirement to help an ailing show get back on the road. Harrison and co-stars Rachel McAdams and Diane Keaton carry this film, and it would not work without Harrison imho. Rachel McAdams is the workaholic producer for a morning TV show who gets involved in “Morning Glory”, a struggling TV AM show which is in competition for viewing ratings. Rachel McAdams was a good choice for the ditsy young producer who acclaims popularity for the show in her very own particular way running about with coffee in high heels and that pony tail, which suited her well!

IMDB link: Morning Glory


Morning Glory review

Rating: 6.9/10

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